October 27, 2021

Culture at the Core: A Playbook for Digital Transformation in a Changing World

Digital transformation is more than a new digital business model or process; like any substantive change, it is cultural at its core. The goal of transformation – to reinvent the organization – is an inherently risky prospect in itself. During the pandemic, the stakes were raised, and suddenly, organizations were forced to accelerate digital transformation in order to survive. 

Where people work, how they work, how they are led, how teams are organized, who they report to (if anyone), how they interact with different cultures, the bandwidth, and tools they are given to be successful, the values that the organization exhibits and more are all being redefined. The success of a transformation will depend on how all these elements are integrated into the organization. A great culture is a harbinger of successful transformation, as it requires a framework and strong commitment from the organization to make it happen. 

We hear buzz words such as the “big resignation’’ within corporate America as people rebel against norms that are no longer of this age. We hear that employees make more by embracing the “gig economy” and that they no longer want to work for employers. We hear of employers having difficulties finding talents or retaining. 

What does this new era have in store? How can you successfully transform, be a strong player in the new economy, and survive and thrive longer than competitors? The average lifespan of an S&P 500 company is now under 20 years, down from 60 years in the 1950s. ‘Culture at the Core – A playbook for digital transformation in a changing world’ fleshes out the different components an organization needs to pave the road to success, debunking misconceptions and resolving persistent challenges along the way.

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Culture at the Core: A Playbook for Digital Transformation in a Changing World